We’re offering two more opportunities in 2019 for you to participate in a Living the Richmond Pledge to end Racism Workshop, August 3 and 17, and November 2 and 16, 2019. (Note: you must attend both days of the workshop you register for. To promote trust-building within your small group, you cannot attend one day in August and one in November).

“But I already know all about racism, so why should I participate,” you might ask? Because by participating in a Living the Pledge workshop,

  • You are joining a community of people in Greater Richmond and beyond who are committed to working to end racism.
  • You are taking an important step toward becoming an anti-racist leader.
  • You are renewing your commitment to doing the work to end racism, to having the difficult conversations, to actively working to overturn racist laws and policies, to bridging the divide that exists among people from different cultural groups, and so much more.

Take the first, or next, step. Join with us to ending racism in the Greater Richmond region and throughout the country. Together, we can do this!

Find out more about how you can live the Pledge to End Racism and register today!

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