Are you interested in spreading the word about the Richmond Pledge to End Racism? We have a couple of tools you can use to make more people in RVA aware of this effort.
Yard Signs

Double-sided yard signs with the Pledge logo and website are now available for you to display at your home or church. We are requesting a donation of $12.50 apiece (about half of the cost). You can place your order here. If you’d like to have a sign but aren’t able to pay for it at this time, let us know and we can provide one.
Are you willing to hand out cards with the pledge to inform people you meet about this effort? Would you like to have some available at your church for folks to pick up? We also have an electronic version you are free to distribute for those gathering virtually. Get in touch with us on how you plan to use the postcards and we’ll make arrangements to get some to you. There may be opportunities at anti-racism rallies/protests or other anti-racism focused events to distribute postcards. Be sure to check with organizers, if any, to make sure it is appropriate.